
New Mountain Snowsports Leader Award

By Andy Townsend

After 2 years of cancellations, the first of the new Snowsport Scotland Mountain Snowsports Leader Assessments has finally been able to take place this year.

Background to the new Awards

Skiing and boarding days in the Scottish winter mountains are soulful experiences. Interest in Snowsports touring has risen dramatically as equipment improves and becomes more affordable. Ski touring now accounts for 30% of Glenmore Lodge’s winter work. As the number of participants increase, so do the opportunities for UK based Snowsport Instructors, leaders and Coaches to find rewarding work that will save your knees and be a lot of fun.

On a warm sunny day at Glenmore Lodge back in September 2019 a new range of off-piste leadership qualifications for skiers and boarders were launched by UK Snowsport (UKSS). This launch represented the culmination of several years hard work between Snowsport Scotland, England, Wales and BASI.

The new landscape of Snowsport qualifications is very different from the previous version and the new range encompasses every aspect, from recreational skiing, to performance coach pathway.



What is it?

At the centre of the aligned framework is a new pathway for instructors, coaches and leaders to qualify and be able to lead groups off-piste and on ski tours in the UK mountains. The previous award (MSL) had been delivered by Glenmore Lodge on behalf of Snowsport Scotland for almost 40 years.

So why the new structure?

In short, the MSL wasn’t broken but the pathway leading to qualification did not reflect the current Snowsports landscape or culture. The high level of pre-requites prevented participation rather than encouraging it. Glenmore Lodge and Snowsport Scotland began a review process that looked in detail at the existing output skills as well as the demands and needs of ski schools, Snowsport clubs and independent leaders.

In addition, the review also highlighted that the existing pre-requisite of holding a Mountain Training Scotland (MTS) Winter Mountain Leader, favoured mountaineers with an interest in skiing or boarding but discriminated experienced skiers and boarders. Many of whom had considerable experience of the UK mountains in winter conditions but who had developed these skills on skis/boards rather than on foot. It became clear that the keeping the Winter ML as a requirement for attending the MSL was reducing the numbers of participants and ultimately the numbers of leaders available to lead groups. As a result of this specific on foot pre-requisite, individuals wanting to lead groups on skis or boards have sought alternatives, from ski instructor qualifications to working without any relevant training or assessment, all of which may not be suitable for the UK environment.

How does it work?

We have created a progressive pathway that would meet the needs of the Snowsports sector, encourage participation and develop leaders who will inspire, mentor and nurture the next generation of skiers and boarders.
In order to meet these diverse needs, a three-tiered pathway was created. Training and assessment will be delivered on skis or boards within the UK mountains. The entry requirements to these new awards will still require a snow-based ski instructor or leadership award, essential for candidates to have the fundamental knowledge to help them develop students from the very basics to becoming competent self-motivated skiers or boarders.

The new pathway consists of three awards:
Sidecountry Snowsports Leader
Backcountry Snowsports Leader
Mountain Snowsport Leader.

The terms ‘Sidecountry’ and ‘Backcountry’ are commonly used terms within the Snowsport community and industry and refer to off-piste environments whether next to or adjacent to the piste or the more remote areas beyond the ski areas.

All three awards in the new pathway contain three modules; performance training, leadership training and assessment, as well as consolidation periods and pre-assessment logbook days.

The performance training modules are focused on personal skills and knowledge. Avalanche awareness, navigation and mountain/journey skills as well as ski/board technique are continually developed and reinforced as a candidate progress through the awards.

Leadership is developed separately, allowing candidates time to consolidate and reflect on their personal skills. The leadership content has been developed incorporating techniques and strategies from mountain biking, paddle-sport and mountain leadership. How a leader adapts their internal and external attentional focus is an essential part of the leadership modules, leading to a better understanding of how to lead effectively in a constantly dynamic environment.
The consolidation period and assessment module for each level also gives trainers and candidates opportunities and time to explore leadership and personal skills fully so that qualifying candidates have been tested, encourage and nurtured through the assessment.

Accredited Prior Learning (APL) process

Whether you embark on the qualification pathway with a background as a skier, mountaineer of walker there is a very comprehensive Accredited Prior learning pathway, that allows individuals to find their own route through the qualifications.

Holders of the Winter Mountain Leader and BASI Ski Instructors can use their existing qualifications and leadership experience to enter the scheme and gain exemption from some of the modules and course. The entry requirement of an ‘on snow’ instructor or leadership award will remain, but the APL process will make these new qualifications very appealing to winter aficionados looking to expand their work opportunities.

So, dust of your skis or boards, sharpen the edges and get them waxed up and discover a whole new way to work as a mountain professional in winter.

For further information check out:

With special thanks to the contributions made by John Cousins from Mountain Training UK, George McEwan from Mountain Training Scotland, Roy Henderson from BASI and the Snowsports Touring Advisory Group.