The Mountain Bike Night Leader Award enables existing British Cycling qualified mountain bike leaders to lead beyond the hours of daylight extending the opportunities for your groups to ride through twilight and darkness. Night Leaders are able to offer amazing mountain bike experiences for their groups during evening and night rides throughout the year.
This course begins at 14.30 at Glenmore Lodge
The Night Leader Award is aimed at qualified mountain bike leaders with substantial night riding experience looking to lead groups and individuals confidently and competently after sundown. Leaders retain their ability to lead in the same conditions as their primary mountain bike leadership award, extending their capacity to lead beyond the hours of daylight. Qualified leaders with this award are already proficient Leaders with substantial experience of riding in dark conditions. The training and assessment courses build on the skills, knowledge and experience that previous qualifications and leading has provided.
To attend the training course you will need to:
• Hold an existing mountain bike leadership qualification approved by British Cycling, Level 2 or Level 3 Mountain Bike Leadership Award or MBLA Trail Cycle Leader, MBLA Mountain Bike Leader
• Be registered on the British Cycling Mountain Bike Leadership Award Scheme. Holders of the Level 2 or 3 qualifications will already have completed this. Holders of TCL or MBL Awards will need to be registered, where they haven’t previously.
• Hold current British Cycling membership at Ride level or above, which includes leader insurance
• Hold current 2 day outdoors first aid and safeguarding training. Copies of both certificates must be held on your record at British Cycling, these can be uploaded to your dashboard on the BC website.
• Have substantive mountain bike leading experience in daylight conditions
• Have substantive experience of riding in dark conditions, with a minimum of ten rides recorded in your logbook, each of not less than 2 hours
• Provide appropriate and suitable personal equipment for yourself to mountain bike in the dark, and for leading in daylight in the conditions of the day
The training course comprises one day’s duration, starting from lunchtime and running into the evening, although specific timings may vary according to the time of year. Expect at least 3 hours on the trail during darkness.
Utilising your existing mountain bike leadership experience and knowledge, this course focuses particularly on safe and effective leadership skills used during dark conditions including those of communication, motivation, organisation and decision making coupled with detailed route planning and navigation. It expands on the development and implementation of robust Emergency Action and Late Back Procedures.
The course also covers additional risk factors when leading in the dark and at night, environmental and social responsibilities, impacts on riders of being active at night, lighting with battery theory and additional equipment, reflective clothing and highway factors comprising legal lighting requirements and managing groups on the road in the dark.
Note that this course is not an introduction to night riding and expects an existing level of personal confidence and competence at riding at night.
To get the most out of the two days it is important to be comfortable in your gear and with your equipment. Therefore, it is always best to have your own and have used it before coming along on a course. You’ll get a better fit maybe, but definitely you’ll get to choose the colour. However, there may be some items that you don’t have or maybe you wish to try something else. In that eventuality we have a well kitted out Stores facility. Listed here are the essentials; this is not an exhaustive list though. Should you be missing something then some of the items below are also available in stores if needs be.
If you do not have your own bike or are unable to bring it with you to the Lodge, we have a limited fleet of Trek bikes available for use. Please get in touch to arrange this prior to your course. E-bikes can be ridden on any of our qualification courses provided this has been discussed prior to attendance and approved by the course instructor.
Small bike lights front and rear
Small Biking Day pack – 25L max
Eye wear
Bike Computer
Compass – Silva type 4 recommended
Map (sheet 36, 1:50 000)
Map Case
Thin woolly hat or buff for under helmet
Gloves – thin, full finger cycling gloves are perfect
Warmer Cycle friendly Full finger Gloves – just in case its cold
Water proof jacket & trousers – Suitable for cycling
Padded cycling Shorts – there really are worth it for comfort!
Outer Baggy Cycling Shorts
Thin fleece or similar
Full leg covering – for cold days e.g. cycle tights or cycling leg warmers
Warm outdoor wear
Insulating layers – a variety of base layers are useful to control your temperature
Small personal first aid kit
Drink system – hydration pack / water bottle
Spare inner tube x2 for your bike
Spare Brake pads x2 for your bike
Spare Rear Gear Mechanism hanger for your bike – Call your local bike shop for help with this
Small Trail Toolkit – Pump, multi tool and chain breaker at least
Emergency survival bag
Head torch
Personal toiletries & medications (towels are provided)
Suncream – you just never know!
We have Laundry facilities here and a fantastic drying room so there is always the option to wash stuff as you go. Glenmore Lodge also has a pool & climbing wall – so don’t forget your swimming/climbing kit!
Can't find exactly what you are looking for? We are happy to create it for you. You can hire one of our instructors or guides from as little as £280 a day, including any equipment. If you’re a group, all of our courses are available on a date that suits you or if you would prefer we can tailor a course to your requirements. Simply get in touch to discuss your requirements.