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How did you get into paddling?

On Wednesday afternoons at secondary school, there was an option to go river kayaking instead of playing football, rugby or cricket.  I wasn’t totally sure what river kayaking involved, but knew I didn’t want to play those team sports!  I was lucky enough to have a teacher who was really keen on his white-water kayaking and coaching, so we got to spend a lot of time on the Grade 2/3 River Irwell at Burrs Country Park in Greater Manchester, where I am originally from.  Despite plenty of initial swimming of course, I was pretty much hooked instantly!  The first session that I managed to rescue my teacher, I realised I was getting pretty good at it – and from there, I’ve never looked back.


How did you become an Instructor?

After an outdoor education residential in the Lake District at school, we had sessions led by a great team of instructors, who just seemed so cool!  I decided pretty quickly I wanted to be like them as well, and that a career in the outdoors was for me.  This led to a trainee scheme in the Lakes, and onto University in Leeds to study Sport and Exercise Science (but a lot of that time was spent with the uni paddling club!).  I became qualified and experienced in a whole range of outdoor activities, including rock climbing, sailing and winter mountaineering – and for many years worked at a variety of outdoor centres and schools.  Over the last few years though, I realised on the water was where I am truly happiest.  Helping people achieve their paddling goals is what truly fires me up, and so I’ve dedicated my career now to paddlesports coaching and guiding, and properly love it!


Tell us about your favourite routes / rivers or destinations?

Tough question!  The River Findhorn in the middle of Autumn is pretty special – the quality of the whitewater when levels are good, and the stunning autumnal colours are unreal.  The Soca in Slovenia for it’s crystal clear water, culture, people and scenery is also up there too.  The Pentland Firth is also a very special place for me – the raw power of the tides and the towering cliffs always provides memorable experiences.