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Who or what was your biggest influence? 

The playgrounds I have grown with have been one of the biggest inspirations for my sports, I was born into an environment which meant as soon as I could crawl then walk, I was living and playing in an outdoor environment, with hills and rivers on my doorstep.

My childhood years were spent in the Yorkshire Dales, moving to the Lake District for university and then Scotland to further my career.

My parents throughout my life have supported and inspired, especially my Mum who oozed enthusiasm for all sport both at a high participation level but also as an experienced coach. She was very performance orientated specifically for Netball and Lacrosse, coaching for regional and national teams, which I was immersed in as a player in the sports and as a daughter to the coach. These experiences directly transfer to my own life today.


How did you become an Instructor?

I became an instructor through opportunities initially found by my mum growing up with local youth groups; a youth sailing club, adventure scouts as well as national groups such as the Ocean Youth Trust.

Then schoolwork experience placements lead to local centres supporting my enthusiasm and determination to lead. And I gained my first instructor’s certificate in dingy sailing the summer I turned 16.


Tell us about a favourite ride or route or location?

A favourite ride and ski for me not only has to be in a mega location but also other aspects need to align such as my mental and physical state, do I need to be and feel strong, the company on the day, plus often the weather.

Below is one favourite route I’ve done many times by bike and another favourite route I’ve only done once on skis.


The Achnashellach descent I have done many times, it is a classic mountain bike ride in Torridon it is a remote, wild, technical landscape to ride. And is a place to focus, absorb the surroundings and for what I think gives one of the best mountain experiences in the UK, for dramatic views and a raw wild feeling.


On skis my favourite winter day out; The An Teallach Ridge with a descent down Hayfork Gully. I have had this on a list for many years and have only done it once. A big mountaineering and ski day in the north west of Scotland.

We completed the route in blue bird conditions, feeling strong with levels of energy, competent within our pair for all aspects of the day to move efficiently and safely as well as with good chat and banter.

So, everything aligned, we didn’t scare ourselves yet there was plenty of adrenaline from the route to liven and focus our brains. A day out where experience and knowledge from years in the outdoors being extremely active and performance driven paid off