We have now wrapped up the 2014 WEMSI-International W-EMT and Wilderness Physician courses at Glenmore Lodge. Every year I ask myself how we get the fantastically diverse faculty of outdoors, rescue and expedition folk to come and give their immense energy and a week of their busy lives……..and every year they come. The answer must be […]
Wilderness Medical Training (WMT) Director Dr Harvey Pynn (MA FCEM DMM (UIAA) DMCC DTM&H) will be directing the December courses at Glenmore Lodge. Harvey is an Emergency Medicine Consultant and air ambulance doctor. He has undertaken several operational tours across the Middle East whils’t serving in the Armed Forces and has completed 10+ expeditions worldwide – […]
Enduro Training By Huw Oliver Enduro is the newest phenomenon to hit the world of mountain biking, and its popularity has exploded so quickly in the last three or four years that there are many people out there still scratching their heads and wondering just what exactly all the fuss is about! So, a quick […]